How Does it Work?

GuidedbySam is a GPS based commentary service. As you drive, your GPS location will trigger the next piece of commentary to play. This means you can travel at your own speed, stop as often as you like and take all the photo’s you want while still learning about the environment as you drive through it.

What Devices Does It Work On?

Is There a Subscription Cost?

There are no ongoing costs. Simply choose the tour you want to take, or take advantage of a discounted rate for all our tours and away you go.

Does It Give GPS Directions?

No, since we don’t know where you are specifically starting or finishing your journey the app doesn’t have this functionality. The app is designed to have gaps in the commentary when you will be needing directions from a GPS so you won’t miss a turn. The commentary also starts outside of the towns, to avoid overlap and so you don’t miss anything because of where you started the tour.

Why Do I Need To Sign In?

Signing in allows you to create an account which records what purchases you have made for future access.

How Much Storage Does It Take On My Phone?

The offline mode downloads audio files to your device. The size of the files does depend on the route you are taking. They are easily deleted after you have finished your tour.

Do I Need Mobile Data/Wifi?

On many of our routes there is no mobile signal. The app is designed to be used in an offline mode. Simply download the route you are taking while you have wifi, then you can put your phone in airplane mode and enjoy your tour. GPS works in airplane mode as it is not sending a signal only receiving.

What If The Route I Want To Take Isn’t Available?

We would love to hear from you! We are always looking to add new routes so let us know which way you are headed and let us see what can be done. There is always a chance we have a new route ready for testing not yet published we can give you access to. Reach out to us on Facebook, Instagram or via email.

Are There Any Limits To My Subscription?

Your subscription is limited to downloading the app on 5 devices which should be more than enough for most visitors. If you visit New Zealand and lose or break lots of phones contact us and we can fix this for you.

GuidedbySam is not for commercial use, so please don’t play it on your bus tours. Commercial versions are in development, contact us if it might be useful for your tour.

Is Everything I Hear On The App True?

We wouldn’t recommend using our commentary as study practice for any exams, but we try to be as accurate as possible, but also entertaining. Of course some of the stories have been passed down between guides and exact details are lost in time. We don’t want to keep the story from you just because we cannot verify it. For example details about Jack Tewa are very ambiguous. As the saying goes, “never let the truth get in the way of a good story”, so please take everything with a grain of salt. If we have made an error or statement you disagree with, we would love to hear from you.

What resources should I use to plan my holiday!

  • Check out the “New Zealand Travel Tips” Facebook Page. They have an incredibly active community of travelers and guides. As well as discounts and other treats.
  • Jub from ChurNewZealand.com/ is the guru of hiking and trail running in New Zealand. Especially if you are wanting to take on something a little off the beaten track.
  • New Zealand’s Department of Conservation are responsible for almost a third of New Zealand’s land. They have a wonderful website with lots of ideas for your adventures in New Zealand.

Also check out our Tours page and Blog Posts